Niggers and Whores

All cultures/subcultures produce some JCA and PSDED. Members undergoing such PSDED are victims, but usually cannot see this, because the culture defines those processes and behaviors as right/good.
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Niggers and Whores

Post by wvanfleet »

It is heart-rending what our species has been prone to do to groups of itself.

We have gotten pretty much beyond the awful treatment of African Americans.  For a long time, we took for granted that regarding a group of people as obviously bad, inferior, or undesirable was quite acceptable, but we have at long last questioned that assumption, at least with regard to African Americans.

But what about prostitutes?  Are they not a persecuted group of individuals in our culture?  Why should we take away their right to provide a service for a fee, and even incarcerate them for doing so?  Does this occupation not exist because of a recognized need for it?  Are not many individuals grateful for this service for a whole variety of reasons?  If this is an admittedly needed occupation within our species, what is the value and rationale for inflicting much PSDED on those within the occupation (and of course upon those who enlist their service)?

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